The EMTP European User Conference (UC) will take place at
Palais des Congrès of Perpignan on June 21st after the IPST 2019 conference.
This event brings together power system experts, software users, the EMTP marketing/support team and the EMTP developers.
This meeting is a unique opportunity, for you to:
- Share experience and discuss about power system transients
- Exchange solutions and best practices around simulation topics
- Discuss your challenges and get expert advice from the EMTP specialists
- Exchange ideas and get inspired by success stories
June 21st
User Conference
- 8:30 - 9:00 Meet & Greet / Attendee registration
- 9:00 - 9:30 EMTP Alliance introduction
- 9:30 - 10:00 EMTP developments and roadmap | Jean Mahseredjian, PGSTech
This presentation is for showing the upcoming developments and sharing the planned activities with software users. During this presentation the users can provide feedback to developers, request new models, features and discuss various issues related to the EMTP world. - 10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break
- 10:30 - 11:00 Influence of HVDC Controls on Transient Stability of Synchronous Machines | Pierre Rault, RTE
With the energy transition in France and in Europe, the transmission grid is strongly impacted by the forthcoming connection of power electronics devices, such as offshore wind farms and HVDC interconnections. These new devices use power electronics converters that generate transients which are usually more complex to analyzed than for standard AC devices, in particular during faults. These phenomena can have an impact on the grid stability.
The presentation will focus on the transient stability studies of synchronous generator influenced by power electronics devices. The objective is to compare the critical fault clearing time for different fault locations, fault conditions and different HVDC converter fault ride through control strategies. Generic test cases as well as real scenarios are considered. In this study, the critical time is obtained with bisection method thanks to the new parameter sweep toolbox. - 11:00 - 11:30 Inclusion of a White-Box Transformer Model in EMTP-RV | Bjorn Gustavsen, SINTEF Energy Research
Transformer manufacturers make use of detailed (white-box) transformer models for calculating internal voltages during the lightning impulse test. Such white-box models could also be utilized in general transient simulation studies. This presentation describes the inclusion of one white-box model in EMTP-RV using DLL code. The resulting model is highly efficient and it can be used to study internal overvoltages in the transformer during network transients, e.g. swithing operations and lightning strokes. The visualization of internal voltages is achieved by a matlab-based tool.
- 11:30 - 12:00 EMTP Simulation of Micro-Grids: from 100% Conventional Synchronous Generation to 100% Inverter-based Generation | Paul Poujade, EDF
To combat climat change, conventional diesel generators are gradually replaced by renewable energies. This can become a challenge, especially for micro-grids because their stability is difficult to preserve because of their low inertia. This presentation will show how EMTP can be used to study the stability of micro-grids with a high percentage of renewable generation, sometimes even without any synchronous generator.
- 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
- 13:30 - 14:00 Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) Model Design Based on Modular Multilevel Converter Mockup | Moez Belhaouane, L2EP-Ecole Centrale de Lille
A detailed EMT model for MMC (Modular Multilevel Converter) has been realized using EMTP software. The aim is to present the modelling process, from the identification of the MMC element parameters, to the conception of the measurement process. The last part of the presentation will compare the EMTP model to the experimental behavior for different operating points.
- 14:00 - 14:30 Validation of Power Quality toolbox in EMTP | Prof. Ivo Uglesic, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER)
Numerous problems related to voltage and current harmonic effects in power systems are commonly observed nowadays due to growth of large industrial consumers with non-linear loads and power electronic equipment. Higher harmonics cause the following unwanted effects in electrical networks: additional heating and losses on power system elements (such as transmission lines, transformers, compensation devices, etc.), unwanted voltage distortion, increased flow of circulating currents through grounding wire, decrease of transformer rated power and interference with conventional telecommunication lines. A Power Quality toolbox (PQ) has been developed by EDF with POWERSYS to facilitate the performance of power quality studies. The PQ toolbox includes harmonic analyzer, flickermeter and various filters. This presentation will show the results of validation of the PQ toolbox in EMTP using test cases and comparing the results of harmonic analyzer and flickermeter with a reference. Several test cases were developed in EMTP and results were compared with the ones obtained by Matlab, EMTP-ATP, NEPLAN. Results of flickermeter were compared with limits given in IEC 61000-4-15.
- 14:30 - 15:00 Coffee break
- 15:00 - 15:30 Reluctance Network Method under EMTP. Application to Transformers Modelling | Mohammed Naidjate, Institut de Recherche en Energie Electrique de Nantes Atlantique
Transformers are one of the most essential elements of the power systems. Usually, equivalent electrical circuits of transformers are used in EMT programs, with their limitations (fluxes and leaks are globalized, internal defects cannot be simulated, …). A model based on reluctances network method and a mesh approach has been developed. It can reproduce the electromagnetic behavior of transformers faithfully and is configurable, automatable and compatible with EMTP.
- 15:30 - 16:00 Transformer Energization Study Case with PAMSUITE | Manuel Martinez & Paul Poujade, EDF
A number of EMTP studies require parametric simulations. It is namely the case for transformer energization where many uncertain parameters can greatly influence the simulation results. This presentation will show how these kinds of studies can be quickly and easily carry out with PAMSUITE, the EMTP toolbox for parametric studies.
- 8:30 - 9:00 Meet & Greet / Attendee registration
Espace conférence
Le Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Perpignan
Place Armand Lanoux - CS 80112

This event is organized by EMTP Alliance. For any questions, please contact us.
Phone: +33 442 610 229
By mail